What is the role of a website landing page?

web design manchester

When designing a new website, or redesigning your existing one, the landing page is one of the most important considerations. This is the page that your users are likely to land on first, especially if they click though from an advertisement, or your social media profile. As a result, its this page that will help your users formulate a first impression, and you need this to be positive. Especially if you want to increase sales, bookings, or sign ups. So to achieve this, what does your landing page need to do? Well the landing page needs to cover a wide range of bases.

So, what is the role of a website landing page?

So, what do you need you landing page to do, to help your business thrive online? Well, there are several things you need to design for, including visual and functional considerations, such as:

  • Grabbing attention
  • Driving sales or sign ups
  • Making information available to users
  • Making navigation simple

Your landing page needs to: Grab attention

The landing page needs to capture the attention of your website users, and make them interested or excited about your products or services. To do this you will need to carefully design your above the fold content. Heavy visual imagery helps in this section, as well as effective typography and a good colour scheme.

Your landing page needs to: Drive sales or sign-ups

To make sure that your users part with their cash, you will need to include a call to action button as a primary web design element. This should take users straight through the purchasing or signing up process, without distraction. To make sure your call to action button is visible on the page, make sure this is designed in a contrasting colour, in a good above the fold position. You should also consider the language you use to evoke action, with phrases such as now, today, and go.

Your landing page needs to: Make information available to users

An important part of your landing page is the content. You don’t want to use too much text, as this simply wont be read. But you do need to make sure all the important, relevant information is available for your website users. This includes:

  • contact details
  • opening times
  • customer testimonials
  • product or service details
  • company selling points-what makes your company the perfect choice?

You should consider balancing your text with relevant and professional imagery or visual content, to make sure your users want to read the information, and not just scroll past.

Your landing page needs to: Make navigation simple

Your landing page needs a navigation bar or menu option that allows website users to move between pages easily and quickly. Make sure this is fully functional, on all screen sizes. Link buttons that are too small can be difficult to use on small screens, and nobody wants to land on a 404 page from the navigation bar!

For more information or advice, or for high quality, professional web design solutions, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester. We are Manchester’s leading web design professionals and we work with companies in a range of industries, across Manchester and the surrounding region, including Wigan and Southport, to deliver high quality web design solutions for effective results.