Transparent web design to build trust

Creating a website that builds trust with your website users should be a primary focus for any company or business. Trust is essential for your potential customers or clients to take a risk with your company, and order or book online. And to build this trust, one of things you will need to do is focus on transparent web design. But what is this? And what are the most important factors for transparent web design to build trust? Well, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester, we are Manchester’s leading web design professionals. From Wigan to Southport, we work with companies across Manchester and the surrounding region to deliver high quality web design solutions that really get results. As a result, we have produced this guide to building consumer trust with web design techniques.

What is transparent web design?

So, first of all, what is transparent web design? Well, the only way to really define this, is to understand what your potential customers and clients feel is truly transparent for any brand. And according to Sprout Social, there are several important factors, in this order:

  • Openness
  • Clarity
  • Honesty
  • Authority
  • Integrity

So, how can you design your website to meet show these values?

Important factors for transparent web design to build trust

There are a number of important factors to include in your web design, if you want to be transparent and honest with your potential customers or clients. These factors include:

  • Clear message delivery- Really get to the heart of what you can offer potential customers and clients instantly, on the landing page of your website. Whether that’s high quality products, industry leading experience, or a professional, reliable service, make sure that your website users know exactly what they can expect from your company. This clarity is a key part of brand transparency, and it can help website users make a more informed decision about choosing your products or services. Video content and imagery should be well designed to support this one central focus.
  • Showing customer reviews and feedback- Reviews and client testimonials can be very effective for building consumer trust, as these show that your previous customers or clients are so impressed with your services or products that they are happy to tell everyone else about them. Including these on your product pages can really convince customers that might be sitting on the fence.These can also be added to your landing page to grab attention from the start of the process. This is a web design option that indicates company openness and honesty.
  • Use clear and concise language- With the need for cookie popups, as well as the need to collect personal and financial information from your customers or clients, to take a booking or to buy a product online, it is essential that you develop clear and concise language around this. Make it easy to see which data will be collected and analysed with cookies, and make your data protection policy easy to read and thorough. This is incredibly effective for building consumer trust.

For more information or advice, or for high quality, professional web design solutions, get in touch with the experts today, here at Pumpkin Web Design Manchester.