Commercial photography in Preston

Outstanding photographs of your business, its products or its people are absolutely essential if you want to project a professional image online. Bad photos and too many stock images can lead to an amateurish appearance, void of personality and character.

Rachel found her passion for photography whilst at college and continued her education by studying photography at Leeds Arts University. During her time at both college and university, Rachel photographed numerous weddings and events in and around the North West of England. She takes a natural and candid approach to her work in order to blend in seamlessly with the ongoing event; this allows her to capture true moments. Working with a number of businesses from architects and property developers to patisseries and coffee shops has allowed her to diversify her craft and offer her natural and recognisable style of photography to other industries.

Do I need great photos?

Allowing us to create high quality photographs for your website can optimise your organisation’s online presence. Bespoke photos increase the visual appeal of each landing page, boosting the credibility of your website and your business as a whole. We know how to make each shot look fully professional, in terms of design, lighting, pixellation and editing. This can help you attract new customers and encourage existing ones to keep returning.

Did you know?

If you own a fairly modern smartphone, you probably have all you need to take some pretty good photos of your business. Invest in a tripod and get the lighting right, and you can get some great images suitable for the web without spending a penny!

Creating a great website

If your organisation wants to portray itself as an industry specialist, your website needs to look superior. This effect is difficult to achieve if you construct the text around amateur-looking photos. In many cases, the first customer touch point will be your website, so all aspects of design need close attention. You can’t afford to take shortcuts with the photography elements any more than you can with the page building and layout.

As a business, you want to show your customers that quality matters and this is the impression you can give by using professional photography services. Our experienced photographers can ensure you have an outstanding product for your website which does your brand complete justice.

Can’t we just use stock photographs?

Stock images are very useful of course, but they can lack a personality and look a bit generic. It’s much better to use real photos, allowing your potential client to connect with the people, products or services behind your organisation.

How we can help?

We know how to optimise your business and show you in the best possible light. Options include photos of directors, teams and individual employees, your business premises and company logos, and the products you sell online, in-store and via your other sales platforms. We can spot the best features and characteristics of your business and ensure they are encapsulated by the images on your website.

Using different angles and poses, we can find the perfect shots for your business premises, products and solutions. Then we can deliver high-quality, bespoke images which elevate your website to the next level. As photographers, it is our job to put everyone at ease, allowing people to be comfortable and fully expressive in front of the camera.

If you’d like to see what we can do, and how high-quality photos can boost your web presence and conversion rates, just give us a call. Our expert photographers are available to create bespoke photographs for your organisation, images that can add value to your business.