Website Design for Oh! Video Ltd

web design for oh video ltd
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OK, OK so this web design project was for one of our businesses.  Fair enough.  None-the-less though its worth showing you within our portfolio as it’s a great example of how you can take a new business website from conception to awesome in just a couple of months.  Here we go…

Oh! Video Ltd is a Manchester based video production agency (yes – owned by us) which produces professional videos of all types for small to medium business throughout Manchester and the North West.  Basically, we decided to create Oh! Video Ltd following the success of, and the demand for video through us here at Pumpkin.  Don’t worry, we still produce videos here at Pumpkin in Preston, but we thought that the video production side of what we do could be a business in its own right. So, Oh! Video Production Manchester was born just a few months ago.

Now we had a new business in video production, no website, no exposure online, a whole load of established competition and a very daunting set of Manchester based key search phrases that we needed to tackle (video production Manchester, promotional video production Manchester, video production Bolton – that type of thing).

So how did we go from Zero, to having a professional video production agency website on the first page of Google for all the Manchester based search terms that we thought would bring in the enquiries?  Yep – we did it in just a few months, and here’s how…

First of all we registered our domain name –  We wanted a URL which is nice and short, but also contained the word “video”.  That’s how the company name was formed.  Having the word “video” within the URL we thought would be a great idea.  It would be descriptive for the human web user, and in turn great for SEO.

Next we created the Oh! Video logo.  Nice and simple with a limited colour palette.

Next it was time to set up some web hosting space under the recently registered URL, and to upload the self hosted version of WordPress.  You can find out how to do this here if you like.

Once our WordPress installation was complete, we chose to integrate a WordPress theme that we know and love.  If you’re ever unsure about which theme to choose for a project, always check out reviews, support forums and the like.  A great theme developer should provide great support and have built up some good reviews over time.  Also make sure that your theme is responsive, and will work well on all devices.

Anyway, now we had our fresh WordPress installation, and our theme installed and we were good to start designing.  We used Adobe Photoshop, tons of custom CSS styling, images from Shutterstock and a load of website designing experience to create a striking design.  This was just the beginning of the work which was to follow…

To achieve outstanding exposure on Google, whether you’re a video production agency or any other type of business at all for that matter, the most important thing to consider is the content of your website.  You want Google to believe that your website is the best possible source of information on the world wide web about what you do, and where you do it.  With this in mind we set about creating the content for the Oh! Video Production website.  As you can see, we’ve written a shed load of information about corporate video production, promotional video production, music video production, product demonstration video production, video marketing, the team involved with the business, the way we work and more.  You can start to see the scale of the website if you hover over the various menu items.  There’s a lot of written content, but the design remains strikingly sleek, clean and simple.  This is the skill that your professional web designer will bring to the table.

So now that we had something resembling a working video production agency website, we decided to officially submit it to Google via the Google Search Console (Webmaster tools).  This included verifying the website with Google and submitting a site map.  At this stage we also made sure that all on-page SEO was laid out correctly, using a popular plugin – SEO by Yoast.  We also made sure that all the web pages created so far were internally linking to each other, creating a better navigational experience for the website visitor.

So, our website is now live!  And, when it was indexed by Google a few days later, we noticed that we sat on page 19 of Google for the main search term that we were interested in – “Video Production Manchester”.

Google clearly had no reason to trust our website at this stage.  After all, it’s brand new, no other websites have linked to it yet and there was nothing to suggest that the website would be well managed in any way.

We set up our social profiles next, establishing links to Oh! Video along the way, and started to write our informative video production related articles that would form the blog section of our website.  With each new blog post published on the Oh! Video website, we created a link to the from Facebook and Twitter, with a view to showing Google that there are links to Oh! Video, and not just to our homepage, but rather to all posts and pages of our website.

We’ve been working away in this manner for just a few months now and we’re really pleased that out video production agency business is now firmly ranked on Page 1 of Google for all terms mentioned above and more.  In some cases, we have national exposure and we’re starting to see enquiries come in for Oh! Video thick and fast.

Pumpkin Web Design Ltd is a small and highly results driven digital agency working for like minded clients in Preston, Chorley, Southport, Blackburn, Burnley, Morecambe,Wigan, Manchester, London, Warrington, Blackpool, Lancaster, Leyland, Lytham St Annes, Bolton, Chester and the UK. Our services include web design, SEO, content marketing, video production, brand design and much more.