Facebook algorithm changes and local businesses

One week ago, on the 11th of January, Mark Zuckerberg announced a change that is[...]

Are you Facebook Live ready?

So a lot of social media sites nowadays are allowing users to broadcast and stream[...]

Get more business from Facebook?

Get more business from Facebook, how? If you have invested any of your time at[...]

A recipe for SEO success

As you may know by now, we’ve been working on a huge project recently.  It[...]

Get online

Getting yourself and your business on-line is absolutely essential. We really cant stress it enough.[...]

How do I link my Facebook page to Twitter?

So you’ve taken the plunge and set up your Facebook and Twitter accounts! And so[...]

How do I set up a Facebook page for my business?

Setting up and managing a Facebook page has become a vital part of the online[...]