Using social media for content marketing ideas

Social media is an important part of the online portfolio for any company or business.[...]

Effective strategies for social media marketing success

While a stylish website filled with great and informative content is a great base for[...]

Social media marketing mistakes for SMBs to avoid

Here at Pumpkin Web Design, we are Preston’s leading web design and web marketing professionals.[...]

Understanding the Instagram algorithm

If your company or business is using social media platforms to share original content and[...]

Creating a user generated social media marketing strategy

While your company may have a professional and high quality website, without an active social[...]

Facebook groups for social media marketing

One of the biggest ways that marketing on Facebook has changed, over the past year,[...]

What can businesses learn from Instagram Insights?

Social media is currently a big marketing tool for any business. Or at least it[...]

How has Facebook changed for marketers?

15 months on from the data scandal, Facebook is a very different place compared to[...]

Does social media influence SEO?

Here at Pumpkin Web Design, we are Preston’s leading web marketing and web design experts.[...]

Effective social media posting times

Social media is a great way for all companies to increase their reach, and promote[...]